When I found this, all pieces were stored in the original bags, (see photo #2), but bags have damage and discoloration. It definitely was played with because some pieces have damage. One bed is missing a head board and the yellow chairs with the black seats have the pedestal bases broken off and are in need of repair, and there are probably a few other pieces with some damage. I didn't check each piece.
It even has two sheets of pictures, with only one peeled off the sheet and picture frame tape, but I didn't see any plastic picture frames in with the pieces. The pieces you see in the photos are the pieces included.
The house pieces are in various transluscent colors and there is damage to some of them. The green stairs have one piece broken off and missing, blue floor has a crack, 2 curved side wall pieces have damage with portions missing and cracks, and one frame for a window is missing. The original double sided assembly instruction sheet is included, and the double sided product sheet that has illustrations of all of the furniture is also included. The original box shows some wear and has some damage to the right side of the front panel (see photo #12).
This is a fairly rare dollhouse and VERY difficult to find with all of the house pieces and so much of the furniture still included, in addition to the assembly and product sheets, in the original box. I can not guarantee that they are from smoke free homes, or homes with pets.